April 2, 2024 margarita

Hybrid work model | The benefits for the employees’ wellbeing

Margarita Epitropaki | Corporate Communication & Marketing Manager

Your employees: your valuables & your safety

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Which group of a company’s stakeholders is the most important?

One would say the customers.

I would say the employees first and then the customers.

And the reason is simple: if the employees are happy then the customers are too.

The last 20 years (even more if we search the world) there exists a department in most contemporary organizations named Employee Communication/ Engagement/ Brand Promotion (one can find a variety of terminology). Its target is one: to engage employees, in a way which motivates them to maximize their performance and deliver the business strategy most effectively.

The conversation about how to engage employees can last for ages, but let’s focus here on one simple -but too important- aspect:
give them balance between personal and professional life.

The “how to” nowadays is easier than ever!
Give them the option of a hybrid work model!

Dear entrepreneurs, its crystal clear that the solution towards hybrid work model is the CLOUD. The investment on the cloud (among other benefits):

Establishes the grounds for remote working

Remote working solutions are now essential for Business Continuity – to start with. Businesses continue to operate safely from a distance. With complete digital equipment employees continue to communicate with customers securely, to manage orders, to use the company’s digital systems & files, to maintain their productivity, using any device – laptop, pc, tablet, smartphone.

Promotes collaboration

The teams can collaborate better and faster. Communication and file sharing are instant, there are no physical limitations or time gaps, distances are effectively neutralized, and productivity is enhanced as tasks -like data re-entry- become redundant. Something important to note is that cloud solutions simplify the generic operations, and teams complete day-to-day tasks faster and more easily, as they do not have to use multiple systems.

Drives employee satisfaction

Hybrid work models allow employees to organize their work around their daily lives and not the other way around. They have the freedom to spend more time with their family, which seems to bring the balance they lacked between family and work. The feeling of freedom satisfies over 53% of employees who state that they want to keep on this pattern (Buffer).

Dear entrepreneurs, of great interest might be the following benefits re the CLOUD:

Increases productivity

            According to a global survey by Global Analytics, those who work from home are 15% to 45% more productive than when they work from the office. In fact, this was the main reason for permanently adopting hybrid work models after the end of the pandemic.

Decreases operating costs

Many companies marked a significant reduction in their operating costs due to the implementation of a hybrid work model. Now, even companies with smaller infrastructure have the potential to be just as effective as the bigger ones.

To sum up…

As far as employees are concerned, the flexibility of a hybrid work model:

  • builds on their well-being,
  • allows them to better balance their professional obligations with their personal needs and activities,
  • has a positive impact on their psychology, due to the increased freedom and autonomy,
  • reduces stress and fatigue caused by daily commuting to and from workplace,
  • works towards the trust employees develop on the company’s brand name.

Not to mention the increased productivity!

Dear entrepreneurs, the effective adoption of the CLOUD -focusing here on remote working- will bring you in front of a variety of proven positive effects.
The bottom line being…

Employee Experience Impacts Customer Experience



From the Workmonitor Survey of Randstad – 2024

  • “At the top, 94% of the participants placed two items: work-life balance and monetary rewards.”
  • “46% of the sample stated that their employer does not offer them enough flexibility to work from home.”