January 15, 2024 margarita

Hybrid working | 10 do’s to ensure secure and continuous communication

George Zafeiriadis | Advanced IT Systems Security Specialist (TÜV NORD)

According to research by Forrester Consulting, 72% of companies implement the hybrid work model.

MB_POST BLOG ENUndoubtedly, the hybrid work model offers many benefits (for both the organization and the employees), but without overlooking the consequent cybersecurity challenges. It is optimistic to report that properly informed entrepreneurs can protect sensitive Endpoint data, protecting their overall business operations, efficiency, and reputation.

Evolving with technology, cybersecurity risks* in the digital workplace find strong resistance to a streaming Endpoint management infrastructure to support this new way of working.

*data breaches, malware attacks, camera hacking, ransomware, phishing, insider threats, IoT vulnerabilities, website breaches and more.

Once the transition to a hybrid work environment is decided – to ensure control and protection of the company’s digital assets – the first step is to make mass adjustments to all Endpoints of employees, regardless of their location.

Next – also a very important step – is ensuring the ability of suppliers to support the new work environment.

Following the first actions, we recommend 10 basic do’s for safe and continuous hybrid work:

  1. Set up secure remote connections with VPN.
  2. Proceed with full disk encryption for substantial protection of the data hosted by the terminal devices.
  3. Establish a culture of discreet information sharing.
  4. Use strong passwords by changing them regularly and/or use Multi Factor Authentication where possible.
  5. Organize frequent training of employees on safety issues and company policies.
  6. Update regularly the operating system and software of the remote devices.
  7. Install Endpoint Protection software with protection from Malware, Zero-Day Protection, Thread Extraction, Application Control and other protection and control mechanisms on all terminal devices.
  8. Perform routine security checks either sampled or automated, using Endpoint Protection solutions and/or SIEM Agents.
  9. Set up a well thought out recovery plan. Cybersecurity crisis management plans are essential, along with necessary preventative measures.
  10. Keep up to date with the latest threats, technologies, and regulations.


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