June 11, 2024 margarita

Exelysis | Microbase’s flagship product and the analysis of its tagline

“An open and flexible communication framework, beyond Contact Centers.”


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In general, we are talking about a communication system or infrastructure that extends the capabilities of traditional contact centers.

Let’s analyze word by word what does this mean:



“An Open and Flexible Communication Framework”

  • Interoperability: The system can integrate with various other systems, platforms, and applications without significant customization. It uses open standards and APIs, making it adaptable to different technologies.
  • Scalability: It can grow and adapt as the organization’s needs evolve, handling increasing volumes of communication or integrating new communication channels.
  • Customizability: Users can tailor the system to meet specific needs, adding or modifying features as required. This might include creating custom workflows, integrating with specific tools, or configuring user interfaces.

“Beyond Contact Centers”

1. Wider Application:

  • Enterprise-Wide Communication: The framework supports not only customer-facing departments but also internal communication within an organization, such as among departments, teams, or branches.
  • Collaboration Tools: Integration with tools for collaboration and productivity (e.g., Microsoft Teams) to support broader business processes.
  • Remote and Hybrid Work Support: Facilitating communication for remote or hybrid work environments, enabling employees to connect from various locations effectively.


2. Enhanced Functionality:

  • Advanced Analytics: Beyond simple call metrics, the framework provides insights into customer interactions, employee performance, and operational efficiencies across all communication channels.
  • Automation and AI: Incorporating AI and automation for tasks like self-service, smart routing, sentiment analysis, and Natural Language Understanding Voice and Chat Bots to enhance efficiency and customer experience.

Key Benefits

  1. Improved Customer Experience: By providing a seamless, integrated communication experience, customers receive consistent and efficient service, regardless of the channel they use.
  2. Enhanced Employee Collaboration: Better tools and integration options lead to more effective internal communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Automation and advanced analytics help streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and provide actionable insights for continuous improvement.
  4. Future-Proofing: An open and flexible system can adapt to new technologies and changing business needs, ensuring long-term relevance and investment protection.


In summary, “an Open and Flexible Communication Framework, beyond Contact Centers” emphasizes a comprehensive, adaptable communication system that supports a wide range of interactions within and outside the organization, enhancing both customer and employee experiences.